Angry Monster System

What are angry monsters?

Angry Monsters is a special mechanic that introduces additional aggression levels for monsters in the game. Each monster, upon death, has a chance to respawn in one of four more dangerous forms: Angry, Furious, Enraged, or Frenzied. Each of these forms differs in difficulty level and modifiers to stats such as damage, health points, experience, and speed.
Angry Monsters GIF

Additional Loot

Each monster can also drop special crystals that have different values. The chance of dropping crystals is modified by the monster's base experience and aggression level.

Aggression Levels
Level Damage Modifier Health Modifier Experience Modifier Loot Modifier Speed Modifier
Angry +20% +30% +30% +20% +20%
Furious +30% +50% +50% +30% +30%
Enraged +50% +100% +100% +40% +40%
Frenzied +100% +200% +200% +50% +50%